Invoice items

Module Invoice items helps you keep items information and see their balance. Enter detailed information, add photos, track balance and monitor the traffic of goods.

Invoice items list

To see invoice items list, use navigate to Sales > Items:

To find invoice item, use Search or filters:


Click Groups to create a group for items:

Enter group name and click  New group:

Creating new item

  1. To create a new item, click on the New record.
  1. Enter the new invoice item information.
  1. If the account has warehouse functionality on, do not forget to specify the item balance and critical balance in the warehouse. If the balance reaches the critical quantity, then the remaining balance will be displayed in red in the invoice items module. The person responsible for the warehouse will also get systemic and email reminders for the item's critical balance in the warehouse.
  1. If the new item consists of several other invoice items, then it should be marked as the product and save.

  1. Select the product's editing and add items consisting the product and their quantities and save changes.
  1. When receiving or sweeping the goods, system will automatically count balance of the product and the added items.

Item preview

To preview an item, open item group and click on item name:

You will see detailed item information and it’s balance:

You may also review the additional tabs with the related information on the invoice item: item balance change history, reservations, related items, pricing, item pictures, etc.

Editing and deleting

To edit or delete invoice item, use Actions:

You can also use Actions button in item preview window:

Product creation and automatic prime cost calculation

The system will automatically count product's prime cost based on the product components. For that you first need to create a product.

  1. Select New record.

2. Select the option Product at the bottom of the page and save the new item.

  1. In the product overview window, you will see the additional table for the components. To add components, select the item's editing.
  1. In the table below, select the needed component from the invoice items list.
  1. Specify the item's quantity - the value will be automatically multiplied by the prime cost of the item.
  1. The product overview window will display the automatically calculated prime cost value.
  1. The product prime cost may also be corrected manually.

Invoice items import

  1. There is a possibility to import invoice items to Hanna CRM system by uploading csv, xlsx, xls format files. In the main items' list click on the mass action button:
  1. The system will open a new tab, here click on the Import items button.

  1. Choose file and press Parse import file:

  1. Map system fields with information in your file and press Import:

  1. Select Create only new items to skip duplicates - duplicates will not be updated and only new items will be created.

Invoice items photos import

  1. To import several photos of invoice items, press this button and select Import items images:
  1. The system will open a new tab, here click on the Import items images button.

  1. Make sure that file name is identical to the item code in the system (if item code is P123, photo name should be P123.jpg). Using this import, only one picture can be attached to invoice item. 

Price level groups

Items can have different price level groups.

  1. To create these groups, head to the Setup - Module Picklists - Price Level Groups.
  1. Enter the information on the new record and save.

  1. Then head back to the invoice items module, pick the needed Item and click on the Pricing tab.
  1. Indicate new price level for an item in Invoice items module:

  1. Then go to Contact profile and select Sales - Pricing to indicate which price level group should be applied for that contact:
  1. In the sales documents assigned to this contact (opportunities, pre invoices, invoices, credit notes), the price of the goods will be displayed according to the assigned price level group.

Item bundles

Create and use item bundles in the Hanna CRM system.

  1. Go to Setup - Module Picklists - Item bundles - New record.
  1. Enter the information and save.

  1. Then head to the needed Invoice item and select its editing. In the right top corner, you will see the option to select the Item bundle. You may also specify item's number in the bundle and the quantity that is in the bundle.
  1. You can select Item bundles when forming a sales document. The items will be orderly selected depending on what number it has in the bundle.


  1. Track reserved items in item preview window. The reserved quantity is shown in the additional column.
  1. You can quickly find the exact document reservation was made with. Select Reservations tab in item preview window. To delete reservation, use delete button in Actions menu.

Invoice item PDF file generation including selective information

  1. You can generate a PDF file with the selected invoice item information. Firstly, mark the selected items and click on the mass action button.
  1. The system will open a new tab where you can select which of the shields should not be shown in the PDF file and then click on the PDF icon.

  1. The system will generate PDF file with the selected information fields.

The system will generate as many PDF file pages as were selected invoice item. One page will display one item's information.

Order creation from selected items

  1. You can create a new order straight from the invoice item module. Select the needed items and click on the mass action button.
  1. The system will open a new tab with options, click on the icon Order.

  1. You will be forwarded to the new Order creation window with your selected items in the items' list.

Opportunity creation from selected items

  1. You can create a new opportunity from the selected invoice items. First, elect the needed items and click on the mass action button.
  1. The system will open a new tab with options, click on the arrow icon Create opportunity.

  1. You will be forwarded to the new Opportunity creation window with your selected items in the items' list.
  1. You may also add selected items into already existing opportunity. When the system opens new tab, specify the needed opportunity in the Opportunities field and click on the Add items to opportunity button.

  1. You will be forwarded to the new window of opportunity editing, here your selected items will be added to the items table along with the previously selected items.

To follow balance, you need to create warehouses - check this article.

To learn more about reservations - check this article.

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