OneDrive integration

How to enable OneDrive integrations?

  1. To enable the integration, go to Setup - Settings - Misc - External file saving integration and select the option Yes at OneDrive external file saving is on setting and save changes.
  1. Select the modules that should be synched and click on Connect OneDrive.

  1. The system will forward you to sign in page - once you connect to your OneDrive account, both systems will be connected.

Backups of module data

When OneDrive sync is on, you can also enable the function to create backups of module data.

  1. Go to Setup - Settings - Misc - External file saving integration - in the Modules field select the option Backups of module data and save changes.
  1. Head to Setup - Staff - select the user's profile and go to the Email settings tab.
  1. Add email settings (instructions of how to do it can be found here) or edit already existing record. Select the option Save attachments and save changes.
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