How to create sales opportunity or invoice with only the quantities of the goods?

Opportunity creation with only the quantities of the goods

Invoice creation with only the quantities of the goods

Opportunity creation with only the quantities of the goods

You can select showing only the quantity of the selling goods in the PDF of a sales opportunity.

  1. In the sales opportunity document creation/editing window, select the following options:
  • Show only total amount in PDF
  • Don't show opportunity price PDF
  1. When the changes are saved, you will only see the quantity of the selling goods in the generated PDF file.
  1. If in the PDF file, you see the sum written in words:
  1. You can turn off the setting selecting Setup - Settings - Finance - Opportunities.
  1. At the bottom of the page, you will find the setting Amount to words. Select no and save changes.

Invoice creation with only the quantity of the goods

In the invoice formation, select the option Show only total amount in PDF.

Then the generated invoice PDF file will only display the information and the quantity of the selling goods.

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