Documents module settings
List of paragraphs:
- Document categories
- Document statuses
- Document number prefixes
- Text templates
- E-sign settings
- Document types
Select Setup - Documents to manage document categories and statuses.
Document categories
When creating new document, mark document category. Document categories form document tree.
- To create a new document category, go to Setup - Documents - Categories - New record.
- Enter the category's name and specify the parent entry. If it is the highest category, it is not needed to provide parent entry.
- You can set the default category.
Document statuses
When creating new document, you can enter its status.
- To create a new document status, go to Setup - Documents - Statuses - New record.
- Fill the information fields and save.
Document number prefixes
Create document number prefixes according to category. Select Setup - Settings - Documents.
Enter document number prefix, next document number, select category and default value. Do not forget to press on blue check mark and save.
Text templates
Text templates can be created in Setup - Documents - Text templates - New record.
Fill in the template text in the placeholder areas by inserting the formulas from the left side. If you have a contract template document in Word format, then insert the formulas into the document and upload the document in the Choose file field. When writing formulas into the Word file, specify the dollar sign before the formula, e.g., ${client_company}.
Save the template. Now you can use it when creating new documents.
E-sign settings
You can specify the signature position in the contract as well the link timeout for how long the signing invitation is valid. To adjust these settings, go to Setup - Settings - Misc - E. sign.
Document types
When creating documents, you can specify its type.
- To create a new status, go to Setup - Documents - Types - New record.
2. Fill the information fields. You can specify the document approver - then when creating a new document with the selected type, the system will automatically assign the user as the approver.
- If the option Asserted consistently is selected, when creating a new document and assigned approvers, the system will enable the consistent document confirmation procedure when selected type is chosen.
E-sign settings are applicable both to documents and contracts.