Contracts module settings
List of paragraphs:
Settings for Contracts module are available in Setup -> Contracts.
Identify contract type:
To create more contract types, use Setup -> Contracts -> Contract Types and click New contract type.
Insert details and save.
Select contract type (status):
- 1
- To create more statuses, choose Setup -> Contracts -> Contract types and click New value.
- 2
- Insert details and save.
- 3
- To edit or delete value, use Actions:
Text templates
When creating new contract, select text template in order to generate contract document. To create contract text templates, choose Setup > Contracts > Text templates.
- 1
- Click New record.
- 2
- Describe text and insert formulas where information from the system should appear. Another option is to add file with formulas inserted in it - if you add formulas in Word to upload file, make sure to enter $ sign before each formula, for ezxample, ${contact_firstname}.
- 3
- Save template. Use it when creating new contract in order to generate document.