Contracts module settings

List of paragraphs:

Settings for Contracts module are available in Setup - Contracts.


When creating a new contract, you can specify contract type.

  1. To create a new type, go to Setup - Contracts - Types - New record.
  1. Fill the information fields and save.

  1. To edit or delete the contract type, use the Actions column options.


When creating a new contract, you can specify its status.

  1. To create a new type, go to Setup - Contracts - Statuses - New record.
  1. Fill the information fields and save.

  1. To edit or delete the contract type, use the Actions column options.

Text templates

  1. When creating new contract, select text template in order to generate contract document. To create contract text templates, choose Setup - Contracts - Text templates.
  1. Fill in the template text in the placeholder areas by inserting the formulas from the left side. If you have a contract template document in Word format, then insert the formulas into the document and upload the document in the Choose file field. When writing formulas into the Word file, specify the dollar sign before the formula, e.g., ${client_company}.

Save the template and use it when creating new contracts.

E-sign settings

You can specify the signature position in the contract as well the link timeout for how long the signing invitation is valid. To adjust these settings, go to Setup - Settings - Misc - E. sign.

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