
Module Orders is for managing your orders to suppliers. Choose items and add them to Order notes, specify supplier and follow order status. Later, convert Order to Goods receiving notes.

Orders list

Select module Orders to see orders list:

To find an order, use Search and filters:

Creating new order

  1. To create new order, click on the New record button.
  1. Fill in the order information, mandatory fields are marked with a red star.
  1. Assign the invoice items and save changes.

Editing and deleting

To edit or delete an order, use Actions menu.

You can also edit and delete the order in its preview window.

Order export

Orders can be exported in Excel, CSV and PDF formats. You can see the export icons in the order list next to the Actions menu - click on the needed option to initiate the separate files export.

There is also the opportunity to export all order records at once. For that click on the export button above the actions menu and specify the needed export format.

Order statuses

Orders can have the following statuses:

  • In preparation;
  • Goods received;
  • Goods ordered;
  • Goods received partially;
  • Canceled.
  1. When the order status is Goods received, Goods received partially or Goods ordered, the invoice item table editing is disabled.
  1. When order status is Goods ordered, you can generate goods receive via the order preview window.

When creating an order, you must specify warehouse. To create warehouse, follow this article.

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