Zapier integration
To connect your Hanna account with Zapier, first you need to create/sign in to your Zapier account and then click on this link. You can also contact us at about integration API key and Subdomain information.
- Click on the button Accept Invite & Build Zap.
- When creating a new event, select the newest Hanna version.
- Select the event type.
- In the Choose account tab, click on the Sign in button to connect your Hanna account.
- Zapier system will forward you to a sign in window to connect both systems. The information for the fields are provided by the email after contacting our support team.
- Enter the information into the system. It is mandatory to specify these fields:
- Assign - system user ID number;
- Status - lead status ID number;
- Source - lead source ID number;
- Added from - system user ID number;
- Date Added.
- Date Assigned.
- Name.
All these IDs and information will be provided when you contact us at the given support email.
When all information is entered, then click on the button Continue.
- To test the events creation, select the option Test trigger.
- When all actions are completed, to finalize the integration click on the button Publish Zap.