Zapier integration

To connect your Hanna account with Zapier, first you need to create/sign in to your Zapier account and then click on this link. You can also contact us at about integration API key and Subdomain information.

  1. Click on the button Accept Invite & Build Zap.

  1. When creating a new event, select the newest Hanna version.
  1. Select the event type.
  1. In the Choose account tab, click on the Sign in button to connect your Hanna account.
  1. Zapier system will forward you to a sign in window to connect both systems. The information for the fields are provided by the email after contacting our support team.
  1. Enter the information into the system. It is mandatory to specify these fields:
  • Assign - system user ID number;
  • Status - lead status ID number;
  • Source - lead source ID number;
  • Added from - system user ID number;
  • Date Added.
  • Date Assigned.
  • Name.

All these IDs and information will be provided when you contact us at the given support email.

When all information is entered, then click on the button Continue.

  1. To test the events creation, select the option Test trigger.
  1. When all actions are completed, to finalize the integration click on the button Publish Zap.

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