Hanna CRM integration with MailerLite
Hanna CRM and MailerLite integration provides possibility to segment clients and categorize them into subscriber groups. Enter your client details in Hanna CRM system and according to selected filters, it will be automatically included into MailerLite subscriber group.
Let’s say you want to send email for all your leads with status New lead. Enter this criteria into Hanna CRM system settings and due to integration, all leads with this status will be automatically involved in Mailerlite subscriber group!
How to enable Hanna CRM integration with MailerLite in your account?
- Connect to your MailerLite account and select Integrations.
- Select the button Use at the API options.
- Click on to Generate new token.
- Enter the name and create a new token.
- Copy or download the generated token.
- Send the token to us at support@hannacrm.lt with the request to enable the integration.
- Wait until confirmation that integration is enabled.
How to enter MailerLite settings in Hanna CRM?
- After the confirmation, go to Setup - MailerLite Settings - New record.
- Enter the settings name and indicate the MailerLite subscribers group. Select by which criteria (contact type, contact category, lead status) according to which clients will be included into indicated MailerLite subscriber group.
- Select whether to include all contact contact-persons. Also mark if only newsletter receivers should be added to subscriber group.
- Specify the lead status, who should also be included in the subscribers group.
- Save settings. Clients that have got indicated criteria in Hanna CRM will be automatically added to MailerLite subscriber group.